Saturday, 2 August 2014


Few days ago in a chat, the following transpired;

STUDENT ;   Ma, there is a boy I know who has recently started smoking due to peer pressure. What can I do to help him?

AUNTY IFY ;    Well my dear, peer pressure is a usual and constant thing in the life of a Teenager. A teenager is impressionable and some times, things that are morally wrong may seem to be right due to ignorance or lack of superior argument or lack of information. In the quest "to belong ", many youngsters get involved in bad things or huge danger and sometimes even loose their lives. Smoking is one of such bad things. It is even worst when a girl smokes {as we see in more advanced societies}because at child bearing stage, it may cause lots of complications which will have negative health implications. How can someone let a momentary pleasure destroy his or her life? Smoking is dangerous to health and addictive, and even the producers always include a warning on the packs or in their adverts where they clearly state that 'Smokers are liable to die young'. So tell this boy in question to make a choice ; if he wants to die young or live long'?. Also remind him of the old saying that "a word is enough for the wise".

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