Do you know that many Male children are sexually abused daily? Usually, everyone focuses on the sexual abuse of Female children because that seems to be more usual. But Male children suffer the same faith in the hands of their abusers especially those that are older than them and can manipulate them easily. These abusers can physically overpower these male children because of the age advantage and bigger Body mass. The shocking revelation from our counseling out-come is that this act is not executed by a stranger, it is most times tied to a Man, Woman, Lady, Uncle, Aunty, Senior sibling, etc who is well known to the Victim and sometimes known to Victim's Parents or Guardians.
Parents, please take every complaint from your young child seriously, because most times these are clues to crimes against him or her. Look out for tell-tell or warning signs e.g; an active child keeping very quiet, a child refraining from your touch, or your child being afraid to speak because sometimes the abuser threatens the child.
You can not be too busy to listen to your child, no matter your career path. Please Parents be careful who you leave to watch over your children or who is looking after them at any point in time. Encourage your child to tell you EVERYTHING that happened while you were away, reassure your child always of your Love, Support and Protection and that no threat can be carried out on him or her. Male children need a lot of attention and affection just like female children, especially in our World of today with depleting Moral Levels.
Please get in touch wit me (AUNTY IFY on 08035820707 or send me an email to ) if you can not talk to your Parents or Guardians. Do not hide your abuser because he or she will continue to sexually abuse you and may also go on to abuse your friends and other children. Save yourself and others by "reaching-out and speaking-out". I promise you that I will not disclose your name, Location, School etc to anyone, it will be strictly confidential, TRUST ME.